Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Sage advice

Blogging has been light over the last few days, and probably will be for a few days more. The reasons: a lengthy to-do list, plus an upcoming out-of-town trip this weekend. I am flattered and honored that people seem to keep stopping by this blog. It pains me to think of your pointing your browser here, only to find the same pontifications you've already read (or already decided not to read), still sitting at the top of the page.

May I take this opportunity to recommend Sage? On the advice of Jason, who warned me that blogging would become addictive, I've been using this Firefox extension to read RSS/Atom feeds from many of the blogs I frequent. It helpfully tells me when blogs have been updated, so I do not feel the let-down of heading over to regular reads like Hoarded Ordinaries, or The Parish, or Sharp Sand, or Paul Musgrave, and finding nothing new. Of course, Sage will only work for you if you already have Firefox. But if you do not already have Firefox, why not?

Collective Improvisation:
Yep, Sage is one of my Firefox extensions that I can't live without. :)

Posted by Blogger JM on 10/13/2004 09:48:00 AM : Permalink  

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