Tuesday, August 15, 2006


History Carnival XXXVII

Mode for Caleb is pleased to present, for your edification and amusement, the 37th Edition of the World Famous History Carnival, which features the best recent posts from the history blogosphere.

When S. J. Redman reflected on a prescient 1907 article by Franz Boas, Oneman responded at Savage Minds with some further thoughts on the history of museums at the turn of the century.

Over at Civil War Memory, Kevin Levin has been churning out fascinating posts all summer; several of them were nominated, but the most mentioned was "Jesse Jackson Jr.'s Civil War."

This month The Little Professor's Madlibs version of a "First Person" essay was picked up by the Chronicle of Higher Education. Which leaves us to wonder, what is the answer to #8? My cat seems as recalcitrant as ever, so it can't be "B" ... The LP also has an interesting review of William St. Clair's The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period.

At The Rhine River, Nathanael D. Robinson takes issue with Voltaire's famous quip about the Holy Roman Empire.

At Revise and Dissent, Alun Salt reviews Hugh Bowden's Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle, and draws some interesting comparisons between the role of religion in Athenian politics and modern-day religious fundamentalism.

George McClellan is universally scorned by Civil War historians, yet he was universally loved by his troops. Walking the Berkshires suggests that historians should take the troops' opinions more seriously, if only to better understand McClellan's complex personality. (If this is your first time over at the excellent Walking the Berkshires, the author, Tim Abbott, recommends this post on an anachronistic plant at the Gettysburg battlefield site as one of his finest.)

Tom Hanks is ... James Madison. The American Presidents Blog wonders if it might be coming soon to a theater near you. It's a movie that Ed Darrell would probably be happy to see.

Martin Rundkvist reports on an exhibit of two 17th-century warships in Stockholm, and adds a strange but true tale about a survivor from one of the ship's battles.

Joe Kissell details the quasi-historical silliness that is E Clampus Vitus.

"A Pyramid? In Bosnia?" The title says it all.

The History Carnival is technically meant to spotlight either posts on history, or posts by historians. Derek Catsam's "Long Critique of a Silly Article" gets in primarily thanks to the second category. So does Mark Grimsley's impassioned post on the rights of civilians in wartime: "The Sacred Oath is Shattered."

Sergey Romanov presents more chapters from his ongoing series on what the Soviets knew about Auschwitz--and when--starting with Part IV.

Tim Enloe concludes a series of posts on Protestant historiography.

Ever heard of Anthony Hall, "King" of England? I hadn't either, until Mark Brady filled me in.

Ned Lamont's primary victory over Joe Lieberman takes Jeffrey Kimball back to 1968 ...

Tim Burke, who has been live-blogging his library-cataloging, pauses to ruminate on the importance of reputation capital in the hierarchy of academic norms.

With a name like Drive By Truckers, it's got to be good. Or so says Scott McLemee.

Natalie Bennett takes the blogosphere on a cycle tour of the historic architecture in Hastings, Winchelsea and Rye.

How can you learn more about a local area's history? Diamond Geezer says the signs are all around you.

Roy Booth at Early Modern Whale tours "Another Literary Church."

Finally, a certain beer company believes its namesake to be "Samuel Adams: Brewer Patriot." They won't be happy to learn from J. L. Bell that a more accurate slogan would be, "Samuel Adams: Tax Collector."

Thus concludes the thirty-seventh edition of the History Carnival. Thanks to all who sent nominations. Check back at the Carnival's homepage for information about upcoming editions.

Collective Improvisation:
Thank you for your kindness in selecting my post on McClellan and kind words as well about Walking the Berkshires. I'm pleased to be included in this august company

Posted by Blogger GreenmanTim on 8/15/2006 03:45:00 PM : Permalink  

Wow. Impressive number of posts this week. Hope you enjoy Denver as much as I have!

Posted by Blogger Museum Madness on 8/15/2006 06:54:00 PM : Permalink  

Thanks for the Carnival, Caleb! Don't know how you found the time, what with the new semester bearing down on us and all...

Posted by Blogger Rebecca on 8/17/2006 03:05:00 PM : Permalink  

Such an impressive blog! History of carnival that's nice. I was counting on some boring stuff but you did a pretty good job. Not so wordy and not so long. Straight to the point, that's more like it.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous on 8/23/2006 10:20:00 PM : Permalink  

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