Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Caleb the donkey
Okay, so I'm reading one of my favorite new blogs, Query Letters I Love, which is a running tally of "actual, honest to god query letters I've received in Hollywood." I run across this pitch for an animated movie about the "undersized talking donkey" that Jesus gets to ride on Palm Sunday.
Help me out here: Nowhere in the pitch is the donkey's name mentioned, but in the comments, everyone's referring to the donkey as Caleb. What gives?
If you haven't clicked through yet, here's a teaser that will make you: "However, this interferes with the donkey's plans to prove he is a manly donkey and marry one of the master's girlfriend's donkeys. The donkey's adopted father, the Rooster Red, tells the donkey that his master is just using the donkey for his own selfish ends."
Help me out here: Nowhere in the pitch is the donkey's name mentioned, but in the comments, everyone's referring to the donkey as Caleb. What gives?
If you haven't clicked through yet, here's a teaser that will make you: "However, this interferes with the donkey's plans to prove he is a manly donkey and marry one of the master's girlfriend's donkeys. The donkey's adopted father, the Rooster Red, tells the donkey that his master is just using the donkey for his own selfish ends."
Collective Improvisation:
I haven't read this one yet ("M"(ode) comes before "Q"(uery) in my feedreader) but what is this, some sort of christian Shrek spinoff??
Posted by JM
Posted by JM
I think there's a famous Christian children's book that refers to the donkey as Caleb. In fact, I may have owned said children's book back in the day.
Posted by chuck
Posted by chuck